Friday, April 15, 2011


Greetings, again, people.. :)

Yummy! XD

People celebrate birthday, yes everyone's hapy on their birthday.
Well, who won't? I do.
But, this year, I just don't feel like celebrating any. Yes, I did do some wishing to some people on some birthdays.
But to some of the rest, I don't. And I have my own reasons. I BEG TO DIFFER..

What's the importance of celebrating birthday, really?
I didn't mean to condemn anyone, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
Why really do we celebrate birthday?
Isn't it just some kind of sign that we're getting older and that means, we're a step closer to DEATH?

Instead of setting up some kind of pranks or pool parties to birthday girls or boys, why don't we do something different like..
Recite Suratun Yassin instead, for them?
Alright, speaking of reciting Suratun Yassin, I have another story for that but we'll get back to that later.

Let's go back to birthday story.

I had someone very important celebrating his birthday yesterday. 
14th April 2011.
Yet, I didn't wish him.
At all...

Yes! It's soooo mean!! Because he's somebody very close to me but..
I BEG TO DIFFER... (Guna ayat ni lagi -__-")

I didn't wish him not because I don't care.
Ain't because I don't remember.
Ain't mean I don't love him.
WhoOps! XD

I just don't feel like celebrating him getting older. I want him to stay young and free and energetic and handsome and adorable and funny, like a vampire.. Eh? *garu kepala sekejap -__-"
That's all. I didn't mean to hurt his feeling.
I hope he understands.
Wishing birthday isn't the bench mark to evaluate if someone does care.
The one who cares for u is the one who stays with u through ur good and hard times.. :)

I'm not sure if he's ever gonna read this post, I don't care.
But as he knows..
"i dun wana be the first. its too cliche.. i dun wana be sumwer in the interval too.. i'll be unnoticed.. i wana be the last, so ull remember me.. remember that i am still there with u, when u go unnoticed n forgotten by those people...." (ain maria fadzlin XD)

So I hope he will understand and will not be mad.
Yes, up to this point, I haven't yet wish him those two words.
And I have no idea when will I wish him "Happy birthday".
Does it really matter btw?
I believe, as long as we're together, it doesn't even matter.
Because he knows it best that I'm with him, I'd been with him all the times.
And he knows I will be, forever.. Aminnn :)
Well, why won't I? He's just equally as important as my family. :)

And glancing back the title above, "BIRTHDAY? OR BIRTH-DIE?"


Tajuk jek tuh. Saje letak tajuk kejam camtu. XD
Tp betul kan?? Hari kita celebrate birthday flags hari kita semakin dekat dgn kematian.
Nauzubillah minzaliq! Cakap pasal mati lagi! :(
(Nape kalau tulis in english, bunyi nye tak bape nak sekejam bunyi nya dalam bahasa mlayu ek? wuwuwu)

Papepun, I DO NOT, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, CONDEMN THOSE PEOPLE WHO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS. It's a norm. People do that. It's just me, personally. :)
No hard feeling, oke people?? :D :D :D

P/S: Tapi saya tak marah kalau awak nak celebrate birthday saya :D jgn lupa bagi hadiah sekali taw! XD
And citer yg tergendala tadi tu, just nak cakap, tumpang simpati kat MBMB Melaka sebab konsert sambut Hari Melaka Bersejarah ke-8 dorang tergendala gara2 hujan SUPER HEAVY secara tiba2 tadi. Tu laa.. mlm jumaat g la baca Yasin ke, tambah zuriat ke (ERK??? -__-") Ni gi buat konsert plak, melalak-lalak tgh2 mlm. Tak molek laa kan. HUHU. Tu pasal la ujan tadi, sampai bergerak khemah kena tiup ribut kan? HUHU. Papepun.... Jgn saman saya oke? 



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